About Us
Driven by Purpose & Built on Innovation
Because you are here, we believe you are supposed to know the information we are sharing. We believe it will serve an important purpose in your life and overall health.
You want to know how to bring your body into nutritional balance and optimize your health and Inspired Solutions has the solutions to achieve that. We are built on research and innovation from practicing health leaders to bring awareness to issues such as iron overload and the serious health challenges that can result if ignored. We offer leading and unique integrative solutions such as iDetox to bring balance to your health.

With awareness comes responsibility and iDetox is the result. A product designed with restoration of health in mind.
Led by wellness professional, Karen L. Gadol, PA-C, CNC, CLT, RCP Mineral Consultant, Certified Thermographer, Cancer Coach, Inspired Solutions was founded on years of experience through use of both traditional and integrative medicine plus wellness coaching and nutrition to address the underlying nutrient deficiencies and toxic overloads we face in our world today. Balanced health begins with a strong mineral foundation combined with the right nutrients and enzymes plus the ability to remove toxic overloads. Inspired Solutions is an integral component to achieving this goal.
Based in Research
Morley supports iDetox and it’s use as a part of the RCP.
Video: My “Theory of Everything”… Or, “How To Fix Mitochondria By Re-Balancing Magnesium & Calcium, and Copper & Iron.”
Much of our knowledge on restoring health and balancing minerals has resulted by studying under health innovator Morley M. Robbins, MBA, CHC. Morley is the founder of the very active Magnesium Advocacy Group on Facebook and is the owner of gotmag.org and therootcauseprotocol.com. He is a mineral expert and a practicing Researcher / Teacher and Certified Health Coach. He also founded The Copernican School of Mineral Metabolism & Mentorship to train other professionals in Mineral Metabolism. Karen is a graduate of his school.
Morley’s work is documented on his websites, and through his research, he is the compiler of the Root Cause Protocol (RCP)*, which we promote and encourage you to follow with the use of iDetox.
Through the investigation of thousands of published research studies, the facts of copper< > iron metabolism have become known. Equally, the mandatory role of enzyme bonding for bioavailability has been revealed and the key role of Magnesium and other vital nutrients such as retinol and the whole Vitamin C molecule (not just the stripped away / synthetic outer shell or some other synthetically derived compound). When these nutrients are available and utilized and iron overload is addressed, health can flourish.
*see Resources tab for more information on the RCP